
Laschal Surgical, Inc. offers high-quality dental and medical instruments to best serve their needs.

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Laschal Surgical


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Laschal Surgical, Inc., a manufacturer of the brand Laschal, was founded in 1993 by Dr. Jeff Lasner.

The company designs dental and surgical instruments that are “lighter than steel and stronger than titanium” as the manufacturer describes them. Laschal Surgical has been producing medical instruments for three decades. The founder discusses all the details of making high-quality tools with top medical professionals worldwide. As an outgrowth one of the most convenient and the finest instruments are being used nowadays. 

Laschal tools such as forceps, needle holders and suture scissors are used in the medical industry more frequently. The company makes global-class instruments of their patented Spring Stainless Steel material that are light and convenient and provide a high-level to work with.

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