Karman, S-115F20SS-TP, S-Ergo 115 Ergonomic Transport Wheelchair with Swing-Away Footrests in Silver, 20" Seat
- S-Style Ergonomic Seat
- Silver 1/4" Removable Anti-bacterial cushion
- Swing In & Away footrests allow maximum safety while entering or exiting the chair
- Extending push to lock manual brakes
- 14" Rear polyurethane, high profile, flat free wheels
- Fixed armrests w/ wider concave arm pads
- "Tube-in Center" foot-plate, assures better side leg support
- Pouch for carrying small items attached to upholstery behind the backrest.
- 7"x1" Polyurethane front caster
- Weight Capacity of 250 lb.
S-Ergo Seating System

The S-Ergo Seating is a patented seating system which; helps promote pressure relief and helps to stop the user from sliding forward in the seat. This makes the wheelchair comfortable and helps maintain good posture.
Detachable Swing-Away Footrest

Allows for easy transfer, on and off the wheelchair, and detaches with no tools required.
Ergonomic Armpad

The ergonomic arm pad is curved inward according to the way users lean their arms and elbow on the pad. The pad is also narrower at the bottom edges, creating less obstruction for the hands while propelling.
Outrigged Armrest

Spacious and comfortable, the outrigged design minimizes the chair's overall width while still maintaining an ergonomic sitting space.
Crash Test Approved
The S-Ergo 115 is approved for transportation in accordance with ISO 7176-19. This means it is suitable to be used as a seat in a motor vehicle for transportation.
Ergo Handrim

The ergonomic handrims provide comfort and greater mobility for better propulsion and efficient braking.