Note: Actual product colors may differ from the colors shown in the picture. The actual colors are indicated in the product name.
- 1" Poly foam padding in seat, and adjustable lumbar pad on the back.
- Comes with cutout for pressure relief to the tailbone and sensitive areas.
- Fits most all auto and truck bucket and bench-style seats.
- Made with an adjustable (bendable) steel frame, rubber strap supports, and soft fabric
- Foldable and easy to transport.
- "Rebuilds" those seats that are simply too soft or unsupportive.
- Has proven to be excellent for autos, airplanes, bus seats, chairs and sofas.
- Durable non skid bottom.
Simply one of the most effective ways to "rebuild" an unsupportive seat or chair, these upgraded models add an extra 1" of padding, and for some, a much needed cutout for those sensitive parts of the body. Used daily for truck and taxi drives, on buses, airplanes, boats, or just driving anywhere, the McCarty's Sacro-Ease works.