Motic, 1100501700011, AE2000 Trinocular Inverted Microscope LED + BMH4000 Camera bundle
1100501700011 Includes Only:
- AE2000 Trinocular
- Moticam BMH4000
- Compatible C-mount adapter
- Dust cover
- Power cord
- Blue, green and neutral density filters
- Phase ring Ph1
- Centering telescope
- Centering keys
- 12V Power Adapter
- CS Ring
- Motic 4-dot Calibration Slide
- HDMI Cable, Manual
- 12mm lens, Adapter φ30/ φ38
- Macro Tube
Designed for routine-lab or clinical work, as well as research requirements in Pharmaceutical Laboratories or Universities, the AE2000 is more than capable of fulfilling the expectations of its users. Superb optical quality can be expected from a brand new optical series of both bright field and phase contrast lenses, following Motics proven successful CCIS® Infinity Optical System.
For more information, please see
Data Sheet Microscope,
Data Sheet Moticam and